For disclosure, apologies if this blog seems a little repetive from the last blog. We had a bit more to say on the different note of being a partner, and wanted to cover that as well. We're only human. Now, on to the blog.
We understand we've been real quiet lately with events. Very quiet. As in, a-field-mouse covering-its-ears-because-we're-being-too-loud, quiet.
The fact of the matter is, we have been gearing up for the back-to-school season. In doing so, we have been curating not only the proper partner, but the idea of being a proper partner.
See, we love each and every one of you with our whole heart, and would love being a partner with each and every one of you in a ideal world. But this is not that ideal world.
Each business has its own mission, its own values. Being a partner means so much more than finding the first business that we don't know from Eve, and joining with arms wide open without knowing the first thing about them.
We believe that being a partner means to thoroughly vet potential collaborators, and see how our values align.
Full transparency: we mean absolutely, positively no disrespect to businesses out there whose values do not align with ours. We love being a partner with anyone and everyone who sees that potential collaboration.
In being a partner, our mission with our collaborators is to find common ground, and strengthen the community.
With all this said, we have a new partnership coming up that, not only we are very excited about, but have greatly and deeply considered for a long time now. Give us a shout, and we'll see what being a partner means to not only ourselves, but to you.